References & Cheat Sheets

This section contains cheat sheets and glossaries on some of the topics we have covered for quick reference.

Table of Contents

  1. Command Line
  2. git
  3. HTML

Command Line

Useful commands

command what it does
man (mac/linux), help (windows) show information about what a command does and how to use it
pwd print working directory (print the path to where I currently am in the file system)
cd change directory (this moves you, the viewer of the terminal, to a new location in the file system). You may use an absolute file path or a relative path where . is the current working directory and .. is the parent directory.
ls list the contents of the directory
mkdir make a directory
touch create a new file
rm delete a file (note: to delete a directory, add the option -r or -d)
cp copy a file (note: to copy a directory you probably need to add an option (like -r))
mv move a file or directory to a new location (note: this can also be useful for changing the name of a file/directory)
echo print some text; often used in conjunction with other commands
cat print the contents of the file
> this is an operator: X > Y will redirect (send) the outputs of command X to Y; if Y exists, it this will overwrite the existing file.
>> this is an operator similar to the above: X >> Y will send the outputs of command X to Y; if Y exists, it this will append to the existing file.



Term Meaning
repository (also known as repo) the place where code is stored.
branch a pointer to a commit
remote a repository that is hosted by a web service
origin the remote repository associated with a project
head the last commit in the checked-out branch
staging area the intermediate area where a change is added before it is committed
pull request (also known as a PR) lets you get feedback on your code changes in GitHub


Note: you can add the --help flag behind any of these commands to find out more information about them including the arguments/options that can be passed in.

command what it does
git commit create a snapshot of changes made to a repository since last commit
git commit -m "MESSAGE" create a commit ^ and add a useful message
git status get the current state of the git repository
git log get the commit history of the current repository & branch
git pull bring the latest changes from the remote repository into your local repo
git push send the latest changes from the local repository to the remote repo
git checkout BRANCHNAME switch to the BRANCHNAME (fill this in) branch, i.e. update the repository's contents to match the tip of BRANCHNAME
git remote -v list the remote(s) for the given local repository


Important HTML Tags

Tag Purpose Playground
<html> </html> Creates an HTML document
<head> </head> Contains the title of the document & other info that isn't displayed Try it
<body> </body> Contains the visible parts of the document
<title> </title> Specifies the name of the document in the browser title bar; when bookmarking pages, this is what is bookmarked
<h1> </h1> to <h6> </h6> Creates text headlines. H1=largest, H6=smallest Try it
<strong> </strong> or <b> </b> Emphasizes a word (usually processed in bold) Try it
<em> </em> or <i> </i> Emphasizes a word (usually processed in italics) Try it
<a href="URL">clickable text</a> Creates a link to another web page or website Try it
<p> </p> Creates a new paragraph Try it
<br /> Interrupts the flow of text to a new line Try it
<div> </div> Used to format block content with CSS Try it
<span> <span> Used to format inline content with CSS Try it
<ul> </ul> Creates an unordered list Try it
<ol start=xx> </ol> Creates an ordered list (start=xx, where xx is a counting number) Try it
<li> </li> Specifies each list item of either the unordered or ordered list Try it
<img src="URL" /> Specifies an image located at the URL Try it
<table> </table> Creates a table Try it
<th> </th> Creates a table header
<tr> </tr> Creates a row of a table
<td> </td> Creates a column within a row of a table
<iframe> </iframe> Used to embed a webpage within another webpage. Its useful for embedding youtube videos on a web page Try it