14/April - Practical Object-oriented Python

python gif


  • Read through the content from the previous class. Review the following concepts and try to answer these questions:
    • What is object orientated programming
    • Difference between an Object and a Class
    • How do we define a constructor function
    • How do we define attributes on a class
    • How do we create a method on a class
    • How do we create an inhertiance class  [Recommended]: review the w3 schools' materials on Python classes
  • [Optional]: Work on the bonus task (task 6) from the previous class

Class Curriculum

Section content Expected time (mins) Pre - Requirements
Lesson Goals 5 minutes
Recap & questions from last class 30 - 45 minutes
Kahoot 10 - 15 minutes
Break 10 minutes
Exercises in groups 40-50 minutes
Check-out 10 minutes

0. Lesson Goals

  • Recap content and activity from last class
  • Understand and practice object-oriented programming concepts

1. Check-In

  • What was particularly challenging last class? Are there any remaining questions from last class?

2. Kahoot

Let's do a Kahoot to check our understanding of the concepts covered last class!

3. Exercises (part 1)

In groups, go through the exercises on this tutorial. Try not to look at the solutions until you have finished the problem. Copy the skeleton code into your local development setup (VSCode, PyCharm, or Google Colab) and try to achieve the "expected output" described for each exercise. Make sure everyone in your group has understood and produced the proper output before moving on to the next task in this section :)