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HTML Basics - An Exercise

What we have learned so far

All HTML tags (at least until now) have a semantic meaning: headings should be written with h1 (bigger) to h6 (smaller); sentences and paragraphs should be done with p and lists (including a navigation, which is a list of links) should be done with ul or ol, depending on the case.

  • Headings: h1 to h6
  • Paragraphs with p
  • Lists with ol (ordered list) or ul (unordered list). Each item on the list is wrapped with li


Let’s do a quick page with the elements we know. The page should include:

  • At least three headings: one h1 (there should be only one per page) and as many h2 to h6 as you need
  • At least one paragraph: p
  • At least two lists; one ol (ordered list) and one ul (unordered list)

Here’s an example of a Museums page.


  • A quick recipe page: (name of the dish, description, ingredients, steps to prepare it)
  • A city/place/sport that you like
  • A short intro of who you are
  • Any other better idea than these ones!

Back to the paper prototypes

Now that we practiced a bit with HTML, let’s recognize and mark on our paper websites the HTML elements that we just used. Like this:

Paper prototype