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HTML Basics - More Exercises

What we have learned so far

In these first weeks we’ve learned the basic HTML tags and did a couple of exercises. Let’s review them again before going back to our websites. This is what we’ve learned:

  • Headings: use h1 to h6
  • Paragraphs: use p
  • Unordered lists: write them with ul. Each item on the list is wrapped with li
  • Ordered lists: write them with ol. Each item on the list is wrapped with li
  • Links: you open the link with a href="" and close it with /a. Inside the quotes you write where the link will point to
  • Image links: Instead of wrapping text with <a href=""> and </a>, you wrap an image.
  • HTML comments: Anything you place between <!-- and --> will be hidden for the browsers.


Which code snippet is right?

Please compare carefully the four options and choose the correct one.

Find the errors

You can see the examples below or check the errors on a pdf.

Example one

<h1>Welcome to ReDI school!</h2>
<p>We are learning how to do a page with</p>
    <li>unordered lists</li>
    <li>ordered lists

Example two

<h2>Welcome to ReDI school!</h2>
<p>We are learning how to do a page with</p>
    <li>unordered lists</li>
    <li>ordered lists</li>

Example three

<h1>Welcome to ReDI school!</h1>
<p>We are learning how to do a page with</p>
    <li>unordered lists</li>
    <li>ordered lists</li>

This is the HTML; what will the browser show?

<!-- Welcome -->
<h1>Welcome to ReDI school!</h1>
<p>We are learning how to do a page with</p>
    <li>headings</li><!-- h1 to h6 -->
    --><li>unordered lists</li>
    <li>ordered lists</li>