How to set up the tools you’ll need for the course
We use Java 11+. In the command-line terminal, check that you have an installed JDK using the following commands:
java -version
javac -version
If you need to install the JDK (or a new version), follow these instructions.
IntelliJ Idea
We use the IntelliJ Idea (Community Edition) as an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
With it, we write code, compile and run it. On top of that, we also use it to integrate with Git (as described in the next section).
To install IntelliJ, download it in the following link, choosing the appropriate version for your operating system.
To learn more about Intellij Idea (e.g. shortcuts, plugins, etc.), here are some resources.
Git is a tool to handle different versions of your code. Please install it following the reference manual
Github is a free online provider of Internet hosting for source code versioned with Git.
We will be using Github to upload, share and review source code and exercises.
Please create an account and have it ready to use.
GitHub Desktop
Git comes with a command-line tool, but in order to be able to visualize the different versions of your code we will also use the github desktop client. You can install this from the following link
Github Classroom
We will be using GitHub classroom for the rest of this semester to organize exercises and assignments, so it is important that you have a GitHub account, as defined in the previous step.
Every assignment will have a link for you to accept, then implement and submit your solution. Teachers will show how this works, so don’t worry.
If you want to try out the Github Classroom by yourself, click the link below and follow the instructions. GitHub Classroom