HTML Tags 2
Class Agenda
- Div, Span and Section
- Lists
- Anchor (Hyperlinks)
- Images
- Base
1. Div, Span, and Section
- The concept of block and inline elements was introduced in Lesson 3. The teacher should revise it with the students again and show examples.
- Explain characteristics of block and inline elements.
- Explain
as a block level non-semantic element. - When to use a div: when you can’t find an appropriate semantic element.
- Explain
as an inline level non-semantic element.- Example:
<p><span>Some text</span></p>
- Example:
- Explain
as block level semantic element.
ETA: 15 mins
2. Lists
- Unordered lists
- Ordered lists
- Nesting lists
- Task: Create a list of items
<p>Here are my Hobbies:</p>
ETA: 15 mins
3. Anchor
- What is a hyperlink? This was covered briefly in Lesson 2 Glossary
- Anatomy of a link
<a>content to click</a>
- href attribute
- target attribute
- Explanation of linking to URLs and Paths (Absolute and Relative)
<a href="">Visit Google</a>
<a href="contacts.html">contacts page</a>
<a href="projects/index.html">project homepage</a>
<a href="../files/cv.pdf">My CV</a>
- E-mail links:
<a href="">Email me!</a>
- Task: Creating a navigation menu
- Tip: A navigation is a list of links typically found at the top of a webpage
- Create a list items to form a navigation
- Change the text to hyperlinks
- Create HTML pages for each navigation link
ETA: 35 mins
4. Images
- The
- src attribute
<img src="photo.jpg">
<img src="photos/selfie.jpg">
<img src="">
- Warning: Be careful when linking to images on the web that are not yours. To avoid Copyright Violations.
- alt attribute:
<img alt="A portrait of me" src="photo.jpg">
- Width and height attributes. (Warning: Aspect Ratio)
ETA: 20 mins
5. Base Element
This section covers the html <base>
tag and its use cases. The following examples should be covered.
<base href="">
<base href=".">
ETA: 15 mins
Exercise Description
Exercises should be done along while explaining the tags, by following the Tasks. After completing the Tasks, you should have content similar to lesson5/Checkpoint5
Glossary & Terminology
- Hyperlinks are any links that are comprised of text, image, video, etc. A hypertext is a form of hyperlink, which uses text. More information on the differences between hyperlink and hypertext can be found here.Ordered lists
- are lists in which the order of the items does matter. (MDN)Unordered lists
- are used to make up lists of items for which the order of the items doesn’t matter. (MDN)
- Create a Shopping list that looks like this image
- Add a list of your social media accounts to the footer
- Read about other attributes used with the