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Exercises: Grade Analyzer

Write a program which will prompt the user

  • for the number of grades to be analysed
  • and then to prompt for each grade one at a time (a number from 0 to 100).

The grades are scored as

  • Distinction for 75 or greater
  • Pass for 40 or greater but less than 75
  • Fail otherwise.

You should determine

  • the number of grades in each score band (i.e. number of grades in Distinction, Pass or Fail)
  • the overall average grade

Display these details as a summary for the user.

Example output:

Enter number of grades:

Enter grade 1:
Enter grade 2:
Enter grade 3:
Enter grade 4:

1 in Distinction
2 in Pass
1 in Fail

Average grade: 60.5