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Exercise: Hangman

Let’s implement a simple hangman game.

1. getLetterIndexes

Write a method public static ArrayList<Integer> getLetterIndexes(String word, char letter) which returns an ArrayList that contains the indexes where the letter appears in the word.

Example: for word hello and letter l, the method shall return an ArrayList which contains [2,3].

2. uncoverLetters

Write a method public static void uncoverLetters(ArrayList<Character> guess, ArrayList<Integer> indexes, char letter) which updates the guess, uncovering letter at position indexes.

Example: for guess [_, _, l, l, _], indexes [1], letter e, it updates guess to contain [_, e, l, l, _].

Implementing the hangman

Implement the hangman game:

  1. Read word from the user.
  2. Create an ArrayList<Character> long as the length of the word, containing only underscores ‘_’. This represents the letters currently guessed by the user. When a user guesses a letter contained in word, the guess is updated, showing letters successfully guessed.
  3. As long as the guess created in 2. contains at least one underscore:
    • ask the user for a character.
    • update the current guess showing the guessed letters in word.
    • print the new guess.
  4. When the guess does not contain any underscore, write “You won the game” to the screen!

HINT Use the methods from 1. and 2. for implementing the game, or any other method you find in ArrayList.